Monday, May 19, 2014

Why We Hate Mondays

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First alarm goes off.  Hit snooze and mentally decide you'll wake up in exactly 7 minutes.


Second alarm goes off.  Hit snooze and start counting down from 100, you'll totally get out of bed when you get to 1... right?


Wake up in a total fog and jump out of bed to start getting ready.  First explicit word of the day.


Teeth brushed and face washed, realize there's not enough time to wash and blow dry hair - reach for dry shampoo.  Start makeup.


Finish makeup and move on to hair.  Decide to make it "easy" a go for a low bun + sparkly headband look.


Stick eight more bobby pins in stupid bun.  Yell "seriously?! It's a f****** bun, how hard should this be?!?!"


Spray obnoxious amounts of hairspray and decide that's what your hair is going to look like for the day.  Whatev.


Dressed and running downstairs to pack your lunch, you realize you never went food shopping over the weekend.  Fourth Sixth curse word of the day.


Run out the front door and remember check engine light came on yesterday.  Cross your fingers and hope the car will make it to work.


Stop at 7-11 to pick up breakfast and your mid-morning snack.... and a Big Energy coffee.  Feel good that you can at least pick out healthy options instead of a donut.  Or one of those delicious apple fritters.


Pull into the parking lot at work.  Listen to Elvis Duran for just one more minute before your Monday really has to start.  Take a deep breath and get out into the fresh air thinking that maybe if you just choose to be happy today, that will happen.  Realize your coffee is spilling on you while you're walking across the lot...

This was my morning today.  Starting off a new work week with an awful attitude is not fun.  A lot of us act like Sunday night is Friday night, and then we wake up Monday cursing ourselves for staying up so late.  But why do we act that way?  Do we not want to let go of our college lifestyle freedom?  Is staying up late pushing Monday morning that much further away?

While my morning felt pretty awful, I finally realized that I was letting myself get so upset and stressed out this morning.  I made the decision to stay up late last night and I also decided not to go grocery shopping.  If I chose to do both of those things, why not choose to turn today around?

Even though Mondays (and really any day of the week) can be pretty rough, it is possible to choose to stop wasting time stressing about it, get over it, and enjoy the day.  If you're having a rough morning like I was, try to decide to let it go with me!  I'm sending out positive vibes to anyone reading this, Happy Monday!

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