Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Throwback Quiz: MySpace Style

For some reason I have been thinking about my teenage years lately.  Maybe it's because being an adult and working errday isn't all it's cracked up to be.  Anywho, I thought it might be fun to answer these classic MySpace quiz questions as my adult self (normal boring text) and as my 15 year old self (super cute hot pink text!!!).
 oh how I hated the top 8. Why should you have to rank your friends? haha!

1. Are you a gullible person?

Not really.  If you're a good actor and convincing then maybe a little.
OMG - yes!!! i fall 4 nething!

2. Are you left handed or right?

rightys rule!

3. What are three items you will always find in your refrigerator?

Honest Ade Berry Good Lemonade, Bread & Butter pickles, some kind of cheese.
Umm... i guess whatever my mom buys! like milk, apples and yogurt!

4. What is your favorite planet?

I'm going to go with earth.  There are a lot of pretty cool places here.
probably mars bcuz britney spears' music video there was 2 cool!!!

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list right now?

My lovely sister, Molly Andra.
my bf <33333

6. What is your ringtone?

Vibrate - my coworkers would hate me if I had some loud, annoying ringtone.  Kind of how I hate dislike (hate is a strong word) a certain coworker who keeps their phone on ring and loud.
Don't Cha - Pussycat Dolls

7. What is your cell phone background?

Just a little side note... I went through SIX razr phones.  They were awful, but they just keep replacing them for free.  Except for the one time I got pushed in the pool.  That one was not free...


8. What are you wearing?

Dress pants, ankle booties, and a BR sweater - cla$$y.
a von dutch trucker hat, my "mrs. Kutcher" purse, and a teal velour track suit


9. What is your favorite type of pizza?

Fresh margherita or Mac n Cheese from Peace of Pizza.
plain or pepperoni, nething from dominos!!!

11. What is the last concert you went to?

Just to see my love, JT, serenade me and send me a big ole air hug.

12. What were you doing at midnight last night?

Sleeping.  I told you being an adult is boring.
texting with my bf, but my parents think sleeping (shhhhh)

13. What did your last text message you received say?

Pass, not putting anyone on blast!
hey gurl! wat r u doin friday? want 2 sleep ova??

14. Do you use a calendar?

I actually get a lot of flack for this... I check about 5 calendars daily.  3 at work, 1 at home, and my personal agenda.  Plus, I always look to see what holiday it is on Holiday Insights.  Today is National Waiters and Waitresses Day!
just for homework - lame!

15. If you could kiss anyone, who would it be?

Justin Timberlake My husband, of course!
definitely Eminem! :*

16. What is the last song you listened to?

A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay
all of these, im alwaysssss playing music. music is like my life it is so0o0o important to me

Well that was a fun little walk down memory lane.  I hope I could make you smile and take you back to 2005 a little bit!  Enough of that though, back to spreadsheets and asset allocation studies (what is that?!?! w/e TTYL!).