Wednesday, December 10, 2014

#DGYTIAT: Gift Ideas for Men!

Happy Wednesday!  Today we're talking men (lovers/boyfriends/husbands/brothers/dads/father-in-laws); whatever men are in your life, I'm hoping to give you some ideas for their holiday gifts!  They're not always fun to buy for (Scott wants a vacuum for Christmas rolling my eyes), but let's try to liven up gifts for the boys.

1. Gap Core Cologne

On a trip to the outlets last year, Scott and I came across this GAP cologne.  The whole outlet was on sale and they gave us a coupon, so he ended up getting a bottle for less than $10!  Since then I haven't seen this scent in regular GAP stores which is surprising because it's inexpensive and really nice!  I think this is a great scent for different personalities and it's an easy stocking stuffer :)

2. Birchbox Men

Birchbox is a really awesome subscription box for women, but they also have a monthly box catered to men!  For $20 a month, your man can receive samples of grooming and lifestyle products.  It's a great gift for men that like to try new products. 

3. Worx SD Semiautomatic Driver

When this commercial came on Scott just pointed and said "that!".  I think it's safe to say he mentally added it to his Christmas Wish List immediately.  Boys and their toys....

4. PS4

Speaking of boys and their toys; the latest and greatest PlayStation has arrived and I think it will be a pretty popular gift this year.  It has improved graphics and lots of cool games.  This is an obvious option for the gamers in your life!

5. Walking Dead DVDs

If you don't watch TWD, do yourself a favor and order these for your guy because it is the best show!  I'm not into gore at all, but this show is really more about how humanity changes and what becomes important after a zombie apocalypse.  Just watch Season 1 Episode 1 and tell me you didn't like it?!

6. Nike Dry Fit T Shirts

Nike Dry Fits were recommended to Scott from his brother-in-law, and they have officially become his go-to tee shirts.  They come in a variety of colors and are lightweight and comfy.  I may have worn one myself a time or two ;)


Only two days left of the Don't Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle gift guides!  Leave me a comment and let me know if you're enjoying these!  Come back tomorrow for a #DGYTIAT gift guide to kids!

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