Monday, December 22, 2014

100 Things About Me

It's my 100th post!!!  It's hard to believe I've put together 100 different things for you all to read about.  Thanks for sticking with me so far.  Here is my Christmas gift to anyone that reads this.... 100 incredibly random things about me!

100 Things About Me

  1. I was born at 3:23AM... making an entrance from the start :)
  2. My life = A constant Christmas countdown (3 days!!!)
  3. I was born in Connecticut
  4. My favorite color is yellow
  5. I can't stand when people click pens over and over
  6. I have an addiction...
  7.'s Bath & Body Works 3-wick candles
  8. I cry really easily
  9. I like one of my sisters more than the other
  10. Sometimes I tell white lies (see above)
  11. I am my moms favorite (not a white lie)
  12. I never remember good dreams
  13. But I can always remember nightmares (totally lame!)
  14. I have to look at menus ahead of time because I'm a bad decision maker
  15. I collected Spice Girls lollipops and saved the wrappers after I ate them... so I basically collected trash
  16. I went to afternoon kindergarten
  17. My dream vacation is visiting Mykonos and Santorini, Greece!
  18. But my favorite place I've been so far is Sorrento, Italy
  19. I genuinely enjoy studying and taking tests
  20. I met my husband when I was 16
  21. My first job was filing in a dermatologist office
  22. My favorite restaurant is Terrain
  23. I once got strep leg after I got bit by a spider
  24. My Easter egg hunts were on the beach in the Outer Banks
  25. I am a godmother to my beautiful godson, Chase :)
  26. I went through a phase of singing everything in a Broadway voice (sorry, Molly!)
  27. My favorite U.S. city (so far) is Chicago, IL
  28. I am not very good at painting nails
  29. People used to call my Lizzie in middle school because they thought I looked like Lizzie McGuire
  30. I'm allergic to pretty much any lotion created... so that's cool.
  31. My current favorite words are tight and dope                                                                                           
  32. My favorite show in middle school was TRL
  33. I can bench press 100 pounds (on a good day)
  34. I had a hamster named Snuggles growing up
  35. My mom made me an ice cream castle cake one year but it was so hot out we sang around the freezer
  36. I have two tattoos
  37. Scott and I already have boy and girl baby names picked out
  38. I have never gotten a speeding ticket or even been pulled over
  39. My first car was a two-door, stick shift, purple RAV-4
  40. I kicked a hole through a wall in middle school and my dad made me learn how to drywall to fix it
  41. Molly and I snuck into the grand opening of Sprinkles Cupcakes
  42. I always wanted to be a ballerina
  43. I have two kitties even though I'm allergic
  44. I found my first white hair at 14 (whaaaat the actual eff??)
  45. My favorite cookies are macarons
  46. I am a quarter Italian, a quarter German, a quarter Scottish, and a quarter English/Irish/Swedish/Scandinavian/I really don't know
  47. I'll be a first-time bridesmaid in July 2015! #meetthewhalens #mybffisgettingmarried
  48. My favorite meal is a medium rare steak with mashed potatoes and asparagus OR scallops over risotto
  49. I danced in a hip hop dance crew called So Fresh
  50. I prefer the mechanical pencils that twist down
  51. I have been to 6 different countries... so far ;)
  52. My mom ate at Gina's Hot Dog Stand everyday when she was pregnant with me...
  53. ...but supposedly I'm named after Geena Davis
  54. My favorite drink is champagne
  55. I work in the real estate investment industry
  56. I have my Series 65 certification
  57. My hair has officially grown back to my natural color after years of dying it!
  58. I learned to drive stick after buying a manual car
  59. My favorite cake is yellow cake with chocolate frosting...
  60. ...but I MUCH prefer lemon meringue pie!!!
  61. I hate bananas but love banana cream pie
  62. Two amazing friends and I camped out overnight to make sure I got a parking pass my first year of college
  63. My first concert was Dream Street
  64. I flew on a plane with Bruno Mars' band to Curacao
  65. I don't like chicken
  66. I had my church add a confirmation name for me even though they don't do that
  67. Justin Timberlake and I are meant to be together (sorry Scott!)                                                                           
  68. I lost to a shut out in beer pong on Senior Week
  69. I used to get really tan as a child... and then that stopped. Lame!
  70. I had my first kiss during A Walk to Remember (in theaters!)
  71. One summer we tried to hair-wrap my whole head and made it to over 15 hair-wraps
  72. Every time the seasons change that becomes my new favorite season
  73. We got married on a beautiful fall day last October
  74. I got stitches in my lip with I was 2
  75. My favorite holiday after Christmas (and besides my birthday) is Halloween
  76. I loooove chalkboards and have a bunch in my house
  77. I collect Christmas ornaments from everywhere I travel (and my family is nice enough to bring them back from me from their travels!)
  78. Every day in middle school I ate a plain salami sandwich
  79. My dad drove me to school every morning for a year and a half in high school
  80. My favorite pizza is Mac-n-Cheese
  81. I go through phases of obsessing over things (past examples include cherries and Hello Kitty)
  82. My favorite valentine chocolates are the ones filled with fruit!
  83. I could eat Mexican food for every meal, for-eva-eva
  84. I've saved my birthday cards since I was 12 years old
  85. I've also saved calendars and planners
  86. I might be a hoarder...
  87. One of my nicknames in high school was "Tink" and I'm still not sure why...
  88. I've never been to a professional football game
  89. But I was at the Phillies World Series win!
  90. I'm writing a book with my sisters and momma
  91. My dreamiest dream purse is over $4,000 (I've faced the music - it's never gonna happen)
  92. I've always wanted to run a marathon
  93. My favorite section of the news is law/justice
  94. Rootbeer is my favorite soda
  95. I like using ink stamps on crafts and letters
  96. I cross out the day on my calendar when it starts, not when it ends
  97. I didn't learn how to take pills until I was 15
  98. Probably because my biggest fear in life is choking
  99. Speaking of which, I had to have the Heimlich done to me once (thanks, Molls!)
  100. I have OCD tendencies including washing my hands 10+ times a day

If you've made it to the end, I am seriously impressed.  Do you know how hard it is to come up with 100 things about yourself??  Ay yi yi... hopefully you enjoyed this list and learned everything a few things about me!

Enjoy these last couple days before Christmas :)

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