Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Fine Line

Last week I took a break from blogging and reflected a bit on what my goals are with this whole thing.  Originally I thought I would share my favorite make-up items.  After I did a few restaurant reviews I started to like that.  I like posting my monthly favorites, travel stories, and my weekends in pictures.  But where do I want What Gina Says to go?

About a week ago I read an article about a man who became addicted to Google Glass, the glasses created by Google that keep you connected to the internet 24/7.  While he was going through withdrawal (yep... this actually happened), he reportedly continued to reach up to his temple as though he had the glasses on.

Although I don't see myself as addicted to technology as this example, our generation is definitely addicted to and reliant on technology to an extent.  First thing you check when you wake up?  Phone.  How do you get directions? GPS/internet.  Math?  Calculator on cellphone.  Recipe?  Latest news on your old friends from high school?  Facebook/Twitter/Instagram.  If you really think about it, any time a question comes up, we almost instantly turn to technology.

What is the line between using all this modern technology and the internet in positive ways and becoming addicted to using it?  Is the internet really as addictive as drugs or alcohol?

When I compare kids growing up in today's world with my childhood, there are significant differences directly related to technology.  I remember being so excited in 4th or 5th grade when our school had the newest iMac desktop computers in different colors.  Today, kids know how to use an iPhone before they're forming sentences.  On road-trips my parents would pull over and pull out the atlas, today we go straight for the GPS.  Without using problem solving skills, will future generations really develop them?  What would happen to them if the technology they relied on suddenly wasn't available?

Technology has definitely made life easier and some forms of it are wonderful, but how far is too far?  In a world where very little is shocking anymore, does it shock you to hear that someone is actually addicted to a piece of technology?  Not really, but I can't help but picture the beginning of the movie Wall-E.  If you've seen it, you know that humans can no longer live on earth and orbit around in a space ship in hover-chairs with televisions attached.  That seems a bit extreme, but would it really be that much of a shock?

So, how does this all relate to my blog?  It's great to see the number of readers going up, hearing from friends that they liked a post or seeing likes on Instagram, but how do I make sure I'm not sharing too much of my life?  What is the difference between utilizing technology and finding my place on the internet versus over sharing and becoming addicted to a social response?

I know this post is a question filled rant, but a week off gave me some time to mill over what I really want this blog to be about, and I think it's about sharing responsibly.  Sharing experiences and recipes, thoughts and jokes.

While I figure out exactly what I want to share, I hope you'll keep checking back to see what I have to say.  For starters, Friday will feature a quick and easy pumpkin recipe that's perfect for sharing... with your friends or coworkers perhaps!  See you then :)

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