Friday, September 26, 2014

Random Thoughts Lately

Happy Friday y'all!  Hard to believe it's already the last Friday in  September.  I mean really, where is the time going?  Did you know we're only 90 days away from CHRISTMAS aka the best and most magically day of the year!  I may be a bit early to the Christmas party every year, but I can't help it I just get so excited.  Anyway, we are gathered here today to talk about all the random thoughts going through my head lately because I didn't write my other planned post.  Without further ado, I'm just going to go for it!

1. Christmas Gifts

Sticking with the Christmas theme, I think I'm going to make it my goal to make my gifts more meaningful, personal, and functional.  I feel like every year we just buy people stuff, and then every weekend we spend time cleaning up and putting away all the random stuff we've received.  I want to make it a point to purchase (or make!) everyone things they can use and that really come from the heart.  If you have any ideas, feel free to leave me a comment :)

2. My Fall To Do List

Things I want to do by the end of November: go to an orchard, get in a few more hikes while it's still nice, carve pumpkins, and... drum roll... redo (most of) my kitchen!  We've been wanting to replace appliances, the counters, and few other things and it's finally time!!!  We're going appliance shopping this weekend, so send me positive vibes that it goes as smoothly and headache free as possible.  And ya know I'll be sharing some before and after pictures on here.

3.  First Anniversary!!!

Our first wedding anniversary is only TEN days away! Whaaaaaaattt?  I really cannot believe we are that close to being married for a year!  This time last year I was having my final dress fitting, putting together welcome bags, and freaking out about all the little details.  This time this year I have finally sent my wedding dress away to be cleaned and preserved (whoops took a little longer than expected!).  I've got a few little things I want to do for Scott (if you're reading Hi Skitt!), but plans are definitely still in the works!

4. Writing (officially) = Therapy

If you've read my 25 before 25 list, you know that my sisters, my mom and I are writing about our whole experience losing my dad.  The goal is to have a story for our kids so that, when they're old enough, they can learn how great of a person my dad was, and what we experienced taking care of him until he passed away.  While it is incredibly hard to write, it is so therapeutic to get everything on paper, especially emotions that have been suppressed for almost 16 months now.


If you've made it this far, thanks for reading all the randomness going on in my head right now!  I hope you have the best last weekend in September ever ;)

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