Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What I've Read So Far

Hi there!  Happy first Wednesday of 2015- today I'm talking books.

Number two on my 25 before 25 list is to read ten books based on others recommendations.  I tend to fall into the same books over and over (hello romance or murder mysteries), and I wanted to break out of that cycle.

I thought it would be interesting to take recommendations from different people: friends, coworkers, family and strangers.  I've read six books; I hit a seriously slow period in the fall but have picked the pace back up.  Here are the books that have been recommended to me so far:

1. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

This was recommended from a previous coworker and friend of mine. What a sweet book to start the list with. The story is told through letters written between the author and different characters in the book. I could picture every moment in this story and the ending was beautifully romantic. It was an easy read- great to through in your bag on vacation!

2. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

One night I had the idea to ask the woman at the bookstore, Carol, for a recommendation. She was an older woman and looked at me like I was a little crazy when I asked her to recommend a book.  I didn't give any specifics, besides that my goal was to read 10 books recommended by others.  The first book she recommended was sci-fi and out of stock, which was probably a good thing for my taste. She ended up recommending a mystery book, which took a little while to get into, but I enjoyed it overall. I would definitely read the next two books in this series.

3. My point... and I do have one

Oh, Ellen... I just love Ellen. Scott gave my this book as his recommendation because he knows how much I love Ellen. And I do, but I did not love this book. Don't get me wrong, it was funny and I laughed out loud at parts, but there was no story to get into. It's the type of book that jumps from this to that; you could put it down and pick it up two years later and be fine. Just not my cup of tea.

4. Gone Girl

You probably haven't heard of this ;). My older sister, Molly, recommended this book and it was one of those can't-put-down reads. I got through it really quickly, saw the movie, the whole shebang. The book was better than the movie, but they always are. I really want to read more from Gillian Flynn.

5. The Art of Racing in the Rain

This darling book was recommended by a friend I see every once in a while. We got together about a year after my dad passed away and talked about my list and books, she ended up recommending this one and I picked it up the next night. It was a touching story and I found it very interesting to read through the eyes of a dog. There were a lot of life lessons; my favorite was the art of consciously listening, really listening to someone without thinking about interrupting them with some way to relate to the story. Loved this one!

6. The Other Wes Moore

My mother-in-law gave me this after it was recommended at Villanova University. It's the story of two men with the same name who grew up somewhat close to each other, and how different their lives end up. This book really made me take a step back and realize how lucky I am and how my life could be completely different in negative ways. This was a good read, I would recommend it.


I do have number seven downloaded from the library, and my mom has claim over number 8. If you have any books I just need to read, leave me a comment to let me know :)

Later this week I'll be doing an update post for what is left on my 25 before 25 list- see you then!

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