Friday, February 6, 2015

Valentine's Day Inspiration

Ahh, Valentine's Day.  The day of filled with red and pink hearts, cherry-filled chocolate and, occasionally, eye-rolling.  Valentine's Day gets a bad rap.  I understand what people are saying when they call it a "Hallmark holiday", but I really believe it’s whatever you make of it! I think V-Day is more than celebrating with someone you love romantically, it's about celebrating everyone you love.  Yes, the gifts and dinners tend to lean toward romance, but why not spread the love and tell your family and friends how much they mean to you?

My favorite part of Valentine's Day growing up was decorating an old shoe box to act as a mailbox in Elementary School.  I remember opening the box and going through all the cards with excitement and curiosity of how a crush would sign off.  Although the Spice Girls, Power Rangers and Hello Kitty adorned cards are long gone from my life, the memory of feeling special remains.  Continuing the heart, pink and red trends, here are some (grown up) Valentine's finds to help get you in the mood!


Sending you all lots of love this Valentine's Day!  Whether you spending the day with a friend, a significant other, or yourself, remember to love fully and take the opportunity to tell those around you how important they are.

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!  I'm visiting a cafe this weekend that I plan on posting about - stay tuned :)

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