Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My Favorite Things Link-Up: Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Where have I been?!  Does it matter.... let's act like I didn't miss a couple weeks on here.  I'm excited because this is my first link up!!! with Cheers Y'all, A. Liz Adventures, Miss Dixie and Southern Style.  Today's topic is stocking stuffers!

When it comes to stocking stuffers, I do my best to think small but special.  Just because these little gifts have to fit in a stocking doesn't mean they can't be creative!  I think there are a lot of ways to keep stockings fun and make them exciting to open last (at least in our house!).  Here are my ideas for what I think makes the perfect Christmas stocking!

1. Gift cards

Gift cards are a great stocking stuffer because they show you know what someone likes and give them the fun of picking out exactly what they want!  I think iTunes gift cards are a great gift.  You can find them pretty much everywhere and with the popularity of the iPhone, they are sure to be appreciated!

2. Something Sweet

This stocking stuffer is a no brainer - a sweet treat!  It can be chocolate or gummies or whatever you love, but be careful over a fire place ;)  My favorite chocolate to indulge in comes from Eclat.  This is where to go if you want something truly decedent and delicious.  I recommend trying any of the caramels or, my favorite, the champagne truffles!

3. A "Coupon" Book

Here's a template I found for a DIY coupon book.  If you want something a little more fancy, Datevitation is an awesome site where you can customize a coupon book for any occasion.  They have great ideas and you can even add your pictures into the little coupons!  A coupon that would go over well in my house would be 1 free back scratch... let's be honest you're going to do it anyway so why not make it a "gift" ;)

4. A Date

Tickets to a sports game or to see their favorite band are such a fun gift!  It gives you something to look forward to, and can be a great surprise in a Christmas stocking.

5. Something Silly

I feel like you haaave to have something silly in your Christmas stocking!  A few mini bottles of liquor or a new key chain are a few ideas.  Get creative with this stuffer and really think about things your receiver loves!  I used Breaking Bad keychains as an example because I would love getting one... bitch!

6. Something Warm

I don't think I need to list too many reasons of why socks are a good stocking stuffer; here's a hint: People wear them almost everyday.... so there's that.  Gloves are perfect for this time of year because... well because it's cold.  Think of this stuffer as the practical gift.

7. A Toy

No stocking is complete without a toy.  This is an easy item to go any which way price wise.  Lots of stores have "stocking stuffer" sections where you can find fun toys - last year I found a kit to build a mini wind up helicopter for Scott's stocking.  If you're looking to spend a little more on a "toy" think along the lines of a new iPod or a FitBit.


Stockings are one of my favorite parts of Christmas!  I hope this list helps spark a few ideas for your stocking stuffers and I'm sure your loved ones will appreciate all the thought put into their stocking this Christmas!  Only 30 days left!


  1. Replies
    1. I agree! Wrap them up with a cute little note or a candy cane and they can still be special :)

  2. I love your round-up! So practical, but also so special, like you said! I wouldn't mind having all this in my stocking!!

    1. Thank you, Suzanne - hopefully my hubs is taking notes ;)
