Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall Fashion Wish List

Sweaters and boots and dark nails, oh my!  Fall officially started Monday night, so it's time for a few wardrobe changes.  In addition to adding more chunky sweaters and dark jeans, there are a couple unique items I'm looking to add to my wardrobe this year.  I'm trying to be conscious of buying better quality pieces but still stay within a budget.  If you have any amazing finds, leave me a link!

1. Burgundy Lips

I've never tried much color on my lips.  A pale pink or maybe even a touch of lavender or rose, sure why not?  But this fall, I want to step outside the ol' comfort zone and try some seriously berry/Merlot-stained lips!  I've looked into a few colors and am leaning toward ordering Limecrime's Velventine Matte Lipgloss in Wicked.  I'm a fan of swatching colors first, so maybe this calls for  a trip to ULTA!  If you have any burgundy lip suggestions, leave a comment below.

2. T-shirt Dress

My fashion tends to be very.... comfortable.  Like yoga pants and sweatshirts comfortable.  I do like to dress up, but I think a t-shirt dress would make it super easy look put together while still feeling cozy!  I picked up a gray t-shirt maxi at GAP this weekend (on sale for $17!!!) and I'm definitely excited to see what I can pull together with it.  I couldn't commit to a jean jacket, but mayyyybe I'll get there this season.

3. New Fall Bag

I need a new bag for fall.  I have a great summer bag that I bought this year, but I desperately need to up my fall bag game.  Here's the catch, I'm trying hard to be budget conscious with bags.  I tend to buy pricey(ish) bags, but am open to meeting some bags that keep more moolah in my wallet!

4. Ankle Booties

I searched for a pair of ankle booties in the Spring and ended up returning two pairs I ordered.  With the weather cooling down, the search begins!  I love the look of these with skinny jeans and think they would be great with my new maxi.  Everywhere I look they either have zippers or just aren't cute, so I put these on The Hunt... a website/app where people can help you find anything you're looking for.  You can find me @whatginahunts (clever huh? ;)


It's Wednesday so I hope you're wearing pink have a great hump day!!!  Meet you back here Friday.

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